Hooray, the form validated! This is what it returned:
' .''.print_r($valueSet, true).'' .($valueSet->imgsave ? '
image-submit click-coordinates:
'.print_r($testForm->getElementByName('imgsave')->getCoords(), true).'' : '') .'
addCssClasses('testform') ->showMessages('Errors:') //->showCustomMessages('Errors:') ->setLanguage('english') ->useExternalFormDeclaration() ->setPackagePath('/////htmlform///') ->setEnctype('multipart/form-data') ->useReducedErrorMarking() ; //--|FIRST-FIELDSET---------- /** * Create a fieldset. * - apply a legend to it */ $testFieldSet = FieldSet::get()->setLegend('simple widgets'); /** * Create a custom-html-content-element and add it to the fieldset (simple, wrapped, all-purpose html) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( CustomHtml::get() ->setHtml('') ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a default text * - add random bordered css-class * - set width/size * - set the max input chars * - set a validator (has to be an eMail-address, has to fulfill random expression) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('testinputtext') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be valid eMail-address):') ->setText('me@you.com') ->setCssClasses('bordered') ->setSize(25) ->setMaxLength(10) ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setEmail() ->setCustomCase(true) ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard single select and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - add options to choose from (optgroup => [value => text]) * - select a entry by text as default * - set a validator (must be a simple digit-number, has custom error message) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( Select::get('testselectsingle') ->setLabel('single select (must select number):') ->setOptions( array( 'strings' => array( 'a' => 'test1', 'b' => 'test2' ), 'numbers' => array( '3' => '333'), 'c' => '444.4' ) ) ->setSelectedSingle('333') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setDigits() ->setErrorMessage('Please choose a "only digit"-value.') ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a single select with a "none"-default and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set options (value => text) * - set validator (must have a selection) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( Select::get('testselectsinglemixed') ->setLabel('single select (must have a selection)') ->setOptions(array('' => '---', 'b' => 'hey', 'c' => 'you')) ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setRequired() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a multiple select and add it to the fieldset. * - add label * - set as multiple select * - set options (value => text) * - set css classes for options (they cycle if less then number of options) * - set titles for options (not quite standard, but practical, they also cycle) * - set several options selected as default by index starting with 1 * - set select height * - set validator (must have selection, values of options must be "a" or "c", set all standard messages as custom here) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( Select::get('testselectmultiple') ->setLabel('multi select (must have selection, values must be "a" or "c"):') ->setMultiple() ->setOptions(array('a' => 'test1', 'b' => 'test2', 'c' => 'test3')) ->setOptionCssClasses(array('odd', 'even')) ->setOptionTitles(array('eins', 'zwei')) ->setSelectedIndices(array(1, 3)) ->setSize(3) ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setRequired() ->setCharacterClass('ac') ->setAutoErrorMessagesAsCustom() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set valid standard date as default value * - set validator (must be standard date if filled, but is optional) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('datetest') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be a standard date, is optional):') ->setText('1/12/2002') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setDate() ->setOptional() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a valid iso-date as default text * - set validator (must be iso-date) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('dateisotest') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be an iso-date):') ->setText('2002-12-1') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setDateISO() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a valid german date as default text * - set validator (must be german date) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('datedetest') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be german date)') ->setText('1.12.2002') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setDateDE() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a valid english decimal number as default text * - set validator (must be english decimal number) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('numbertest') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be english decimal number):') ->setText('100.1') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setNumber() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a standard text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a valid german decimal number as default text * - set validator (must be german decimal number) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputText::get('numberdetest') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be german decimal number):') ->setText('100,1') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setNumberDE() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a password text input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a default text * - set max char number to 8 * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputPassword::get('pass1') ->setLabel('password text input:') ->setText('testtest') ->setMaxLength(8) ->refill() ); /** * Create a file input and add it to the fieldset. * - add a label * - set a default text (to show that it doesn't show) * - set accept (will not be used by browsers, but could be used for internal checks) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet->addElement( InputFile::get('file1') ->setLabel('file input:') ->setText('no file selected') ->setAccept('text/*') ); /** * Add the fieldset to the form (cell 1) */ $testForm->addElement($testFieldSet); /** * Create an align block to insert buttons into the form, but being aligned right instead of left. */ $testAlignBlock = AlignBlock::get(); /** * Add input submit to align block. * - set button caption */ $testAlignBlock->addElement( InputSubmit::get('save', 'save') ->setCaption('submit') ); /** * Add alternative image-submit to align block. * - set image-url * - coords of clicks are shown down below in the result-display of the form */ $testAlignBlock->addElement( InputImage::get('imgsave', 'imgsave') ->setSrc('img/submit.png') ); /** * Add reset-button to align block. * - set button caption */ $testAlignBlock->addElement( InputReset::get('reset', 'reset') ->setCaption('reset') ); /** * Add input button to align block. * - set button caption * - set the button disabled */ $testAlignBlock->addElement( InputButton::get('btn1', 'btn1') ->setCaption('random button') ->setDisabled() ); /** * Insert align block directly into the form, beneath the fieldset. */ $testForm->addElement($testAlignBlock); /** * Add a second cell to the form. */ $testForm->addCell(); //--|SECOND-FIELDSET---------- /** * Create a second fieldset. * - set legend */ $testFieldSet2 = FieldSet::get()->setLegend('extended widgets'); /** * Create standard text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set valid default text (10 length) * - set widget title * - set validator (must be filled, must have min 3 chars, must hav max 10 chars, only letters and umlauts) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputText::get('testtextinput2') ->setLabel('standard text input (text length between 3 and 10):') ->setText('lolcatpaws') ->setTitle('between 3 and 10 please') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setRequired() ->setMinLength(3) ->setMaxLength(10) ->setCharacterClass('a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß') ) ->refill() ); /** * Create standard text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set valid default text (5 length) * - set validator (must have between 4 and 6 chars) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputText::get('testtextinput3') ->setLabel('standard text input (text length between 4 and 6):') ->setText('tenso') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setRangeLength(array(4,6)) ) ->refill() ); /** * Create standard text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set valid default text * - set validator (value must be min 3, value must be max 10) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputText::get('testtextinput5') ->setLabel('standard text input (value between 3 and 10):') ->setText('4') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setMin(3) ->setMax(10) ) ->refill() ); /** * Create standard text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set valid default text * - set validator (value must be between 4 and 6) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputText::get('testtextinput6') ->setLabel('standard text input (value between 4 and 6):') ->setText('5') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setRange(array(4, 6)) ) ->refill() ); /** * Create standard text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - add random bordered css-class * - set valid default text (absolute url) * - set validator (value must be a valid url) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputText::get('testtextinput4') ->setLabel('standard text input (must be url):') ->addCssClasses('bordered') ->setText('http://www.google.com') ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setUrl() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create a radiogroup and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set selectable options (value => labeltext) * - set default selection * - set width of radiogroup (amount of radiobutton-cols) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( InputRadio::get('radios1') ->setLabel('radiogroup:') ->setOptions(array('a' => 'radio1', 'b' => 'radio2', 'c' => 'radio3', 'd' => 'radio4')) ->setOptionCssClasses(array('allthesame')) ->setOptionTitles(array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four')) ->setSelectedValue('d') ->setWidth(3) ->refill() ); /** * Create a checkboxgroup and add it to second fieldset (not instantly here). * - add a label * - set random css-class to prove that it isn't rendered (makes no sense for composita) * - set selectable options (value => labeltext) * - set css-classes for options (cycle if number smaller than option count) * - set default selection */ $checkbox1 = InputCheckbox::get('check1') ->setLabel('checkboxgroup:') ->setCssClasses('nothing') ->setOptions(array('a' => 'check1', 'b' => 'check2', 'c' => 'check3', 'd' => 'check4')) ->setOptionCssClasses(array('odd', 'equal', 'even')) ->setOptionTitles(array('just one for all')) ->setSelected(array('check2', 'check3')) ; $testFieldSet2->addElement($checkbox1); /** * Create a datetime text input and add it to second fieldset. * - add a label * - set a valid date text value * - set text readonly, to prevent direct editing * - set widget up for german dates * - set time format to am/pm-notation * - set navigation by arrows * - set up time display * - set config-values for javascript(3 chars for weekdays, color for sundays, color for saturdays, color for weekdays) * - set validator (must be german date) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( JsDateTime::get('cal1', 'cal1') ->setLabel('datetime (german date):') ->setText('12.12.2008') ->setReadonly() ->setUpAsGermanDate() ->setAmPmTime() ->setArrowSelection() ->showTime() ->setJsConfigVars( array( 'SpanBorderColor' => '#37c900', 'CalBgColor' => '#444444', 'WeekChar' => 3, 'SundayColor' => '#333333', 'SaturdayColor' => '#333333', 'WeekDayColor' => '#444444', 'TodayColor' => '#666666', 'SelDateColor' => '#37c900', 'YrSelColor' => '#ffffff' ) ) ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setDateDE() ) ->refill() ); /** * Create textarea and add it to the second fieldset. * - add a label * - add a random javascript-event-handler * - add a valid text * - set dimensions of textarea (20 cols, 10 rows) * - set validator (custom case, with message result, empty string represents true here) * - refill from default refiller (get/post) */ $testFieldSet2->addElement( TextArea::get('textarea1') ->setLabel('textarea (only normal chars, umlauts and punctuation):') ->setJsEventHandler('onclick', 'alert(\'onclick-test\');') ->setText('Hello world!') ->setSize(20, 10) ->setValidator( FormValidator::get() ->setCustomCase( preg_match('/^[a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß!.,? ]+$/u', isset($_REQUEST['textarea1']) ? $_REQUEST['textarea1'] : 'Hallo Welt!') ? '' : 'Keinen Murks in den Fließtext ey!' ) ) ->refill() ); /** * Add second fieldset to second cell of the form. */ $testForm->addElement($testFieldSet2, 2); /** * Create a custom html-content a append it in the middle of the form after a specific widget. */ $testForm->insertElementAfter('testselectmultiple', CustomHtml::get() ->setHtml( '
' .'This piece was injected into the middle of the form after completely building it.' .'
' ) ); /** * Set a headline and an explanation for the form. */ $testForm->setHeadline('HtmlForm Testcase Scenario'); $testForm->setExplanation( 'Use this form to test out the possibilities and see what else is possible. Feel free to break it...'.print_r($valueSet, true).'' .($valueSet->imgsave ? '
'.print_r($testForm->getElementByName('imgsave')->getCoords(), true).'' : '') .'